Other // Retail // Posters // Logos // Illustration
Gatewood Elementary - The Gators
Volunteering my services and giving back to causes that I care about have always been important to me. I created this art decco gator for the jazz themed “Bids For Kids” auction at our local elementary. All of the proceeds will go towards enrichment programs, making school improvements and funding support staff.
Poster design by Rob Stanton
Click Imports - Fat Bastard Wine
Pike Place Market Foundation
NW Source - Summer Brewfest
Volunteering my services and giving back to causes that I care about have always been important to me. I created this art decco gator for the jazz themed “Bids For Kids” auction at our local elementary. All of the proceeds will go towards enrichment programs, making school improvements and funding support staff.

Click Imports - Fat Bastard Wine

Pike Place Market Foundation

NW Source - Summer Brewfest

brad dundas creative, inc. | seattle, washington | braddundas@mac.com